Our Partners


Bahamas national trust

The Bahamas National Trust is a science-based organization dedicated to effectively managing national parks to conserve and protect Bahamian natural resources. Their vision is for a comprehensive network of effectively managed Bahamian national parks and protected areas.


BluE Action

Blue Action develops projects in collaboration with industry experts in the free trade zone on Grand Bahama. These projects focus sustainable aquaculture, ocean alkalinity enhancement, food security, agroforestry, and the restoration economy, amongst others.


BuIlders Initiative (Funder)

Builders Ini­tia­tive invests in and col­lab­o­rates with non-prof­its, busi­ness­es, and oth­ers work­ing towards sus­tain­able solu­tions to soci­etal and envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges. Along­side their part­ners, they pur­sue solu­tions to the challenges impacting ocean and coastal ecosystems around the world.



The Northwest Biological Research Center (CIBNOR) is a scientific and academic research institution contributing to environmental, economic, and social progress. At CIBNOR, we collaborate with Héctor Acosta-Salmón, research scientist and co-inventor of queen conch pearl culture.


Conservación conciencia

Conservación ConCiencia is a nonprofit organization that aims to facilitate community organizing and citizen science which promote achieving our mission: to implement effective, science based conservation actions that move our societies towards sustainability.


Coral vitA

Coral Vita is creating a global network of high-tech coral farms that can sustain our world’s coral reefs despite the threats they face. Their vision is to produce billions of corals from their farms each year in order to maintain these magical ecosystems for generations to come.



EARTHCARE is a Grand Bahamian environmental education NGO founded in 1988 that works with schools to inform students and teachers about issues affecting the environment and empowers these young learners to get involved and use their voice proactively.


JamAica Conch Restoration Project

Jamaica Conch Restoration Project aims to build and maintain queen conch hatcheries and nurseries throughout the Island nation of Jamaica. Their first mobile lab project is in collaboration with University of The West Indies’ Discovery Bay Marine Lab.


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McPIke-Zima foundation (Funder)

The McPike-Zima Foundation provides philanthropic support to help local organizations meet their ambitious goals. Their funding decisions involve evaluating potential impact and ability to attain long-term effectiveness in communities.


Moore Bahamas foundation (funder)

The Moore Bahamas Foundation, supports research, environmental education, and advocacy organizations to protect the unique and fragile marine environment of the island nation. Their partners drive stewardship of The Bahamas’ incredible natural assets.


Naguabo Fishing Association

The Naguabo Fishing Association and seafood market is located in Húcares Beach, Municipality of Naguabo and led by Carlos Vasquez. We work with the fishermen as part of the Nagaubo Aquaculture Center work.


NOAA fisheries (funder)

NOAA Fisheries is responsible for the stewardship of the nation's ocean resources and their habitat. They provide vital services for the nation, all backed by sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management.


Organisation of eastern caribbean states

OECS is an inter-governmental organisation dedicated to economic harmonisation and integration, protection of human and legal rights, and the encouragement of good governance between countries and territories.


PerRY Institute for marine science

The Perry Institute for Marine Science is committed to ensuring the health and longevity of our ocean. They make lasting impacts in the marine world through scientific discovery, leading-edge conservation and international collaboration.


Pinder’s Paws

Pinder's Paws is a mobile veterinarian service based in Nassau, Bahamas and is led by a team of husband and wife veterinarians. Dr. Michael Freifeld, Veterinary is assisting with culture pearl culture.


Queen COnch Hatchery Curaçao (funder)

Part of the Curaçao Sea Aquarium, this expansive facility and laboratory enables universities, institutions, and foundations to perform diverse research projects. The FAU Queen Conch Lab is a scientific advisor on this project that aims to repopulate species-depleted areas in Curacao.


Sea Grant Puerto rico (funder)

The Sea Grant Program at the University of Puerto Rico is an educational program dedicated to the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean region.


Stinapa Bonaire (Funder)

Stichting Nationale Parken Bonaire (STINAPA) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit foundation. We're dedicated to the conservation of Bonaire’s natural and historical heritage through the sustainable use of its resources. The FAU Queen Conch Lab is a scientific advisor for the conch restoration project that is funded by WWF Dutch Caribbean.


The Conch Initiative, Turks and Caicos Islands

Recognizing the historic significance and current threat to the Queen Conch in the greater Caribbean, The Conch Initiative strives to enhance the native conch population through conservation, restoration, and education.


The island school

The Island School provides a transformative experience for all who visit Eleuthera. With a focus on conservation and sustainability, and an experiential education informed by world-class research, they develop responsible citizens and leaders who can ensure a more sustainable future for our planet.


The nature conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. They help protect the breathtaking beauty that makes the Caribbean the unique paradise that it is, and the resources that sustain the millions who live there.


university of the Bahamas-North

The University of The Bahamas-North in east Grand Bahama is situated on a 50-acre development that is a part of the 220 acres granted to the University by the Grand Bahama Port Authority. The campus is an anchor, one that will propel the development and growth of the Grand Bahama community, while contributing significantly to the growth of the country. 


university of the west indies, MONA CAmpus, Jamaica

UWI Mona Western Jamaica campus is advancing a higher education experience of quality, not just for the people from western Jamaica, but from wherever they come locally, regionally or globally. Given its history, economics, culture, social dynamics, and its environmental pedigree, Montego Bay is the ideal place for international study.


USDA Agricultural research service (funder)

The Agricultural Research Service is the principal in-house research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. ARS is one of four agencies in USDA's Research, Education and Economics mission area.


Waterkeepers Bahamas

Waterkeepers Bahamas works to ensure the waters of the Clifton and Western Bays are safe for swimming and fishing for future generations. They are a member of the Waterkeeper Alliance, the world’s fastest growing environmental movement that has united more than 220 Waterkeeper organizations around the world, all working together to focus citizen action on issues that affect our waterways, from pollution to climate change.


World Wildlife Fund Dutch Caribbean (Funder)

WWF works to conserve and restore biodiversity; to reduce humanity's environmental footprint; and to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources to support current and future generations.



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